Launched in 2008, the Carbon Control program turned Stan into the first Brazilian RealEstate developer to monitor greenhouse gas emissions from its developments.
So far, 20 of our projects were already certified, neutralizing more than 116,000 tonnes of CO2 emission – which is equivalent to planting 817,000 trees or removing 36,500 gasoline-powered vehicles from the streets per year.
In order to calculate emissions – which are controlled since the beginning of construction toits conclusion –, the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory is carefully developed by the ATAcompany (Ativos Técnicos e Ambientais Ltda.), advisor of Carbon Management.
Through this initiative, we support several projects that focus on reducing greenhouse gasemissions and encouraging sustainable processes:
REDD+Maísa: a program focused on maintaining and restoring biodiversity in one of themost threatened areas of the Amazon rainforest. It contributes to the conservation of nativeforests by consolidating a market for carbon credits, making forests a more economicallyand attractive deal when preserved, rather than deforested.
Malagone: a run of river small hydro project located in Minas Gerais state that producesrenewable electrical energy. The main objective is to reduce the use of non-renewablesources and fossil fuels through the implementation of a renewable energy generationproject. Certified by the UN, the process reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributes to the efficient use of environmental and natural resources and avoids the growth ofenvironmental and social liabilities caused by new large hydroelectric power plants
Brascarbon: treatment of effluents produced by swine production farms in the states of MatoGrosso do Sul and São Paulo. The manure releases large amounts of Methane, one of thebiggest villains in global warming. The project aims at capturing and transforming thismethane into biogas, to generate energy and electricity for the farms. Thus, Brascarbonreduces the emission of greenhouse gasses, improves air quality and encourages conscioushandling of animal waste management system
By supporting actions like these, we reaffirm our commitment to sustainability, intensify ourefforts to contribute to environmental preservation and reduce the impacts of the real estatemarket chain.
- Arte Arquitetura Pinheiros
- Arte Arquitetura Moema
- Arte Arquitetura Pinheiros 2
- Galeria Morais de Barros
- Grand Tolle
- Guedala House
- Habitarte 2
- Habitarte Verde
- Jardins da Cidade Condomínio Clube
- Madrigal
- Metropolitan Offices e Shopping
- Motion Avanhandava
- Perfetto
- PJM109
- Praça Guedala
- Praça Pompéia
- Galeria Guedala
- Vista Alegre
- Parque Jockey
- Funchal 641
- Praça Henrique Monteiro
- P11 Pinheiros
- Trends Brooklin
- 737 Pedroso
- Pierino
- BioArq Pinheiros
Committed to reducing the impacts of the real estate market chain and contributing toenvironmental preservation, Stan seeks to ensure that many of its developments arecertified by the GBC (Green Building Council Brazil), a worldwide organization that directsthe construction industry towards sustainability. One of the most prestigious environmentalrecognitions in architectural green buildings in the world, the GBC Leed Certification isoffered to projects that are a reference in the efficient use of natural resources and that meetall the criteria of human comfort and well-being.
Alameda Santos
F.L Corporate
Grande Ufficiale Evaristo Comolatti
WTorre Nações Unidas
Conquered by Stan's residential developments, the GBC Brasil Condomínio® certification isdedicated to residential condominiums with high performance and sustainable practices,including rational use of water, waste reduction and ergonomic quality for users.
Artur Ramos